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Bernardi Human Resource Law
Bernardi Human Resource Law's team of lawyers and HR advisors offers a full range human resource advisory services as well as labour and employment law advice and representation. Their legal expertise, business instincts and practical understanding of workplace dynamics, enable them to provide key strategies for maximizing human capital while avoiding employment litigation. |
Human Resource Professionals Association of Ontario
The Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario (HRPAO) connects its membership to an unmatched range of HR information resources, events, professional development, online education and networking opportunities. We annually host the second largest HR conference and tradeshow in the world". “HRPAO shapes organizational excellence by empowering human resources professionals to connect effective people management with business success.” |
Keyser Mason Ball
Furnishes a broad spectrum of legal skills to Canadian clients
with national and international interests and foreign companies
building a presence in Canada. Specialists in: Business Services,
Dispute Resolution, E-busines, Family Law and Divorce, Information
Technology, Intellectual Property Law, Labour and Employment Law,
Real Estate and Municipal Services, Taxation and Wealth Management.
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Charity Village
Canada's supersite for the nonprofit sector --- 3,000 pages of news, jobs, information and resources for executives, staffers, donors, and volunteers. If philanthropy and volunteerism are part of your world, this is your place.
Equally useful for members of the HR community and jobseekers
alike, this site connects the most progressive companies with the
most qualified career-minded individuals. Fully searchable data
base, invaluable tips, articles and how to's and a worldwide network
of sites.
Offers a searchable data base, articles, tons of helpful resources.
With over 25,000 jobs, expert advice and the most innovative tools,
it's a terrific place to find your next job.
Job Hunters Bible
Designed as a supplement to the Dick Bolles book What
Color Is Your Parachute? the well-known practical manual for
Job-Hunters and Career-Changers. There's lots to interest you here
including a 'Net Guide' to guide you in doing part of your job-hunt
here on the Internet as well as an extensive library of up to the
minute articles and many resource links.
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Canada Revenue Agency
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers tax laws (including income tax) for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories; and
various social and economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax system.
Ontario Ministry of Labour
Offers an in depth look at The Employer's Guide to the Employment
Standards Act; a convenient source of information about employing
people in Ontario. This guide tells you about the minimum requirements
in the law. As the employer, you can surpass the requirements if
you wish but you must meet the minimum requirements. Well worth
a look.
Resources and Social Development
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) is a department of the Government of Canada. HRSDC’s mission is to build a stronger and more competitive Canada, to support Canadians in making choices that help them live productive and rewarding lives, and to improve Canadians’ quality of life.
of Mississauga
Portal site for the city of Mississauga. Chock-a-block with the
latest news, views, useful information and related links.
Ontario Human Rights Commission
The Ontario Human Rights Commission is committed to the elimination of discrimination in society by providing the people of Ontario with strong leadership and quality service in the effective enforcement of the Ontario Human Rights Code, and
in the promotion and advancement of human rights. |
of Peel
Official website for Peel Region. Rich in information and related
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) promotes workplace health and safety, and provides a workers compensation system for the employers and workers of Ontario. |
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Board of Trade
Private sector, not-for-profit membership organization which
offers benefits, services, business development opportunities and
lobbying support to further the success of business in Mississauga,
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (BBBSC) is the leading child and youth serving organization providing mentoring programs across the country.
Operation Springboard
Springboard is a non-profit, community-based, social service agency that provides a continuum of services in the Criminal & Social Justice Systems. Springboard builds safer communities through accountable and innovative services, a dedicated and professional staff, and an involved community. |
Armstrong Moving & Storage Ltd.
A full service global relocation service handling all areas of corporate and employee relocation.
If there are any links not listed that you think
fit the bill, please let
us know.
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